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Finch West LRT

Project overview

With 18 stops across 10.3 kilometres of rail, the Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) line will run along Finch Avenue West from Keele Street to Highway 27, where it will turn, then travel south to the Humber College north campus. It will sport connections with other TTC lines, as well as connections to Peel and York Region local transit services. 


Project benefits

The Finch West LRT project will give those in northwest Toronto a transit system that offers more choices to travel. The project will cut down travel time and increase transit reliability. The line will feature accessible platforms, improved streetscapes and cycling infrastructure that is safe and convenient.

18 stops
11 kilometres
Finch West LRT updates

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Land Acknowledgement

Metrolinx acknowledges that it operates on lands that have been, and continue to be, home to many Indigenous Peoples including the Anishnabeg, the Haudenosaunee and the Huron-Wendat peoples. We are all Treaty people. Many of us have come here as settlers, as immigrants or involuntarily as part of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, in this generation, or generations past. We acknowledge the historic and continued impacts of colonization and the need to work towards meaningful reconciliation with the original caretakers of this land. We acknowledge that Metrolinx operates on territories and lands covered by many treaties that affirm and value the rights of Indigenous communities, Nations and Peoples. We understand the importance of working towards reconciliation with the original caretakers of this land. At Metrolinx, we will conduct business in a manner that is built on a foundation of trust, respect and collaboration.