Review the latest construction notices and community documents for the project.
Stouffville Line GO Expansion
Corridor Improvements
Corridor work along the Stouffville Line is part of the GO Expansion program, which will transform GO rail from a rush-hour service to a more frequent, two-way, all-day rapid transit experience. Foundational work for a second track, as well as other corridor improvements, will make it possible to deliver increased two-way, all-day service.
Grade Separations
Eliminating level crossings (where train tracks cross roads) will make the network better, faster and the region easier to travel in. There are two options when building a grade separation, tracks can either go under or over the road. By separating the road from the rails, vehicles can pass under (or over) a railway, without having to stop and wait for trains. Multiple grade separations are taking place across the network. Rail to rail grade separations are also needed, for much the same reason – to reduce traffic conflicts where train lines intersect.
Steeles Avenue East Underpass
We’ve built an underpass (a grade separation) at the Steeles Avenue East intersection between Kennedy Road and Midland Avenue on the Stouffville Line. The grade separation has greatly increased safety for GO Train passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles between a high-traffic avenue and the rail line, which will see increasing all-day, two-way GO Train service within York Region and Toronto over the next several years.
We've completed upgrades to Milliken GO Station on the Stouffville Line, including the Steeles Avenue East Underpass. (Metrolinx image)
Adding Track
Many Metrolinx rail corridors were built with one track. With more service planned, more tracks must be added. To enable two-way, all-day service, work is underway to add a second set of tracks to the Stouffville GO line between Kennedy GO and Unionville GO. A second track means that more than one GO train can use the Stouffville line at any time, all throughout the day.
GO Expansion will offer more frequent service during middays, evenings, and weekends – giving customers more flexibility to schedule what is most important and everything else in between.
A second track on the Stouffville Line means that more than one GO train can use the line at any time. (Metrolinx image)
How do we take a rush hour commuter service to the next level? It’s about more than just the number of trips. Using electric trains between Union Station and Old Elm GO will allow faster trains to transport you and will offer all-day trips, going two ways, every 15 minutes or better between Union and Unionville GO.
Electrifying GO rail corridors is a multi-year project and we are committed to working with residents across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area throughout the process.
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