Fare Integration
Working to build a consistent approach to transit fares in the region- Projects & Programs
- Fare Integration
We're working with the province and local transit partners towards integrating transit fares across the region, making transit more connected, affordable, and convenient as we take action to build the region's network for the future.
Our vision for integrated fares across the region
- Improved affordability and access - Transit is more affordable for riders.
- Increased ridership growth - Public transit mode share increases and ridership grows across the region.
- Simple and seamless - Riders travel across an integrated regional transit network with ease.
- Future ready and fiscally sustainable - Regional transit network succeeds now and supports future needs in a sustainable, effective and efficient way.
How fares work in the region
Each transit service provider in our region is responsible for its own fare policy, including the prices charged for adults, students, seniors, and other riders. Across the Greater Golden Horseshoe, there are more than 20 transit service providers that set their own fare rules and prices, including municipal buses, subways, streetcars, GO Transit, and Union Pearson Express. Work is underway with MTO and municipal transit service providers to integrate fares, improve affordability and making it simpler for customers to choose transit.