Ontario Line

A new 15.6-km subway line in Toronto that will run from Exhibition Place, through downtown, all the way to the Eglinton Crosstown LRT at Don Mills Road.


The Ontario Line will be a 15.6-kilometre subway line that will make it faster and easier to travel within Toronto and beyond.

The line will bring 15 new stations to the city and will run from Exhibition Place, through the heart of downtown, all the way to the Eglinton Crosstown LRT at Don Mills Road.

It will give people more time back in their days, with a trip from one end to the other taking less than 30 minutes compared to the 70 minutes it takes on transit today. There will also be significant relief from crowding throughout the existing transit network thanks to connections to more than 40 other travel options along the way, including the TTC’s Line 1 and Line 2, three GO Transit rail lines, and the Eglinton Crosstown LRT.

Construction is now underway.

Project map

Ontario Line overview map of the full route and stations

Key facts

Number of stations


End-to-end journey time

30 minutes or less

Connections to other transit options

Over 40, including:

  • Connections to Lakeshore West, Lakeshore East, and Stouffville GO train services
  • Connections to the TTC’s Line 1 and Line 2 subways
  • Connection to Line 5 (Eglinton Crosstown LRT)
  • Connections to streetcar lines at 10 Ontario Line stations
  • Connections to bus services at 12 Ontario Line stations

Route length

15.6 km


388,000 daily boardings


As frequent as every 90 seconds during rush hour

Improved access to transit

227,500 more people within walking distance to transit

Improved access to jobs

Up to 47,000 more jobs accessible in 45 minutes or less, on average

Reductions in rush hour crowding

  • Up to 22 per cent at Bloor/Yonge Station, or 14,000 fewer people, during the busiest hour
  • Up to 16 per cent at Eglinton Station, or 5,000 fewer people, during the busiest hour
  • Up to 14 per cent at Union Station, or 14,000 fewer people, during the busiest hour

Daily reductions in traffic congestion

28,000 fewer car trips every day

Yearly reductions in fuel consumption

7.2 million litres

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  • Initial Business Case released

    July 2019

  • Phased environmental assessment process begins

    September 2020

  • Preliminary Design Business Case released

    December 2020

  • Request for Proposals issued for Rolling Stock, Systems, Operations and Maintenance contract

    December 2020

  • Request for Proposals issued for Southern Civils, Stations and Tunnels contract

    December 2020

  • Official groundbreaking ceremony held for early upgrades to Exhibition Station

    March 2022

  • Phased environmental assessment process concludes

    April 2022

  • Contract awarded for Rolling Stock, Systems, Operations and Maintenance

    November 2022

  • Contract awarded for Southern Civils, Stations and Tunnels contract

    November 2022

  • Project agreement signed for Pape Tunnel and Underground Stations contract

    January 2024

  • Project agreement signed for Elevated Guideway and Stations contract

    February 2024

Learn more about the Ontario Line's procurement milestones on Infrastructure Ontario's project page.

Land Acknowledgement

Metrolinx acknowledges that we connect communities by building and operating transit within the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee and the Huron-Wendat peoples, for whom these lands continue to have great importance.
Treaties between First Nations and governments cover these lands, and the promises contained in these Treaties remain relevant to this day.
Metrolinx and its employees are committed to understanding the history of these lands and the continued impacts of colonization and take responsibility for actions to advance reconciliation.
Metrolinx will continue to seek the knowledge, expertise and experience of Indigenous partners and commits to doing business in a manner that is built on a foundation of trust, respect, and collaboration.