Vendor Code of Conduct
- About Metrolinx
- Doing Business with Metrolinx
- Tenders
- Vendor Code of Conduct
This Vendor Code of Conduct (hereinafter the “Vendor Code”) sets out Metrolinx’s requirements and expectations of Vendors to adhere to environmentally, socially and economically responsible corporate behaviour, as described in the Sustainable Procurement Policy.
Scope and Application
This Vendor Code applies to all Vendors with which Metrolinx conducts business. For the purpose of this Vendor Code, a Vendor is defined as any entity, enterprise or individual that has entered into a formal agreement with Metrolinx in the form of a contract, purchase order or other agreement for the provision of any goods and/or services to Metrolinx. The absence of a provision in this Vendor Code covering a particular situation or issue does not relieve a Vendor from the duty of acting responsibly. Where the provisions of law, any existing agreement that the Vendor may have with Metrolinx (“Agreement”), and/or this Vendor Code address the same issue, the provision that is most stringent shall apply.
Vendor Responsibilities
The Vendor shall comply with the requirements and expectations set out in this Vendor Code. The Vendor is responsible for ensuring its own compliance with this Vendor Code. Metrolinx expects the Vendor to disseminate this Vendor Code to relevant parties throughout their supply chain including to the Vendor’s parent, subsidiary or affiliate entities, a Vendor’s employees including permanent, temporary, contract and migrant workers, as well as all other applicable parties with whom they do business. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to ensure its subcontractors are compliant with this Vendor Code.
Environmental Responsibility
In addition to full compliance with all applicable environmental laws, vendors shall integrate environmental responsibility into their operations. Vendors shall identify environmental impacts and minimize adverse effects on the community, environment, and natural resources, while safeguarding the health and safety of workers and the public. The Vendor must act in compliance with all applicable legal obligations, including chemical and waste management. The Vendor must not use any chemicals containing ingredients that are on the Metrolinx Banned Substances List (Attached), and where possible, the Vendor shall provide environmentally responsible products made of recycled, recyclable, or compostable materials, or certified by an independent third party.
Climate Adaptation and Resilience
The Vendor shall prepare for and strive to protect for any disruptions of their business and to protect both people and the natural environment from external and business continuity disasters that arise within the domain of operations; and strive to undertake business continuity planning to prepare for extreme weather events.
Biodiversity and Ecosystems
The Vendor shall adopt practices to avoid and minimize the negative impacts of their operations on the natural environment unique to each environment and situation; and identify opportunities to restore and offset residual impacts to the natural environment and to compensate for impacts to the natural environment.
Environmental Goods and Services
The Vendor shall offer environmentally responsible goods and services; consider the environmental impacts of products or services through every stage of their lifecycle; and develop goods and services in a way that fosters reuse and recycling.
Community Involvement and Development
The Vendor is expected to contribute to involvement and development in the communities the vendor serves by: respecting the cultural, social and political rights of the communities; offering education programs to ensure their staff are culturally aware and educated about Indigenous Relations, considering the impact of its investment and procurement decisions on employment opportunities and capacity building in the community; considering opportunities to source from Indigenous, diverse suppliers and social enterprises in the community; and considering opportunities to support skill development programs and employment opportunities for Indigenous, historically disadvantaged and equity seeking individuals in the community. Demonstration of how the vendor is meeting these expectations may be outlined in the Scope of Service and Contract documents.
Diversity and Inclusion and Non-Discrimination
The Vendor shall actively promote diversity and an inclusive work place for all; not discriminate in hiring, compensation or employment practices on the grounds of criteria such as race, ancestry, colour, citizenship, ethnic origin, creed, disability, religion, family status, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, national origin, sexual orientation, political affiliation, union membership, or marital status; respect the privacy rights of its employees whenever it gathers private information or implements employee-monitoring practices; and not interfere with the exercise of the rights of personnel to observe tenets or practices or to meet needs relating to race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation or any other legally prohibited grounds for discrimination. Employee representatives shall not be subject to discrimination or harassment. Any form of psychological, physical, sexual, or verbal abuse, intimidation, threat, or harassment shall not be tolerated.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
The Vendor shall recognize and respect that workers, without distinction, have the right to form or join trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively, regardless of the jurisdiction in which they operate1; and work directly with employees and/or their bargaining agents as appropriate to find solutions to any outstanding legal and employment issues.
Hours of Work and Rest Days
The Vendor shall ensure that all employees work in compliance with all applicable laws and mandatory industry standards pertaining to regular working hours and overtime hours, including for breaks, rest periods, holidays, and maternity and paternity leave.
Wages and Benefits
The Vendor shall ensure that all employees are provided with wages and benefits that, at a minimum, comply with national laws or industry standards, whichever is higher, as well as any applicable binding collective agreements, including those pertaining to overtime work and other premium pay agreements, and meet basic needs based on local standards; and not apply disciplinary or any other forms of discrimination in employment and remuneration practices. If an employee is temporarily suspended without pay, infractions must be proven openly and promptly.
Worker Health and Safety
The Vendor shall provide employees with a healthy, hygienic and safe working environment; take all measures to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses and accidents; provide clean, hygienic and safe accommodations, as required; implement clear occupational health and safety procedures, including the attribution of the responsibility of these procedures, ensure that all personnel receive regular health and safety training and comply with all applicable laws and mandatory industry standards. The Vendor must provide goods and services that meet established quality and safety standards.
No Child Labour
No person shall be employed at an age younger than 15 (or 14 where the law of the country of manufacture allows) or younger than the age for completing compulsory education in the country of manufacture where such age is higher than 15.
No Forced Labour
The Vendor shall under no circumstances, use or in any other way benefit from any form of slave, forced, bonded, indentured or prison labour.
The Vendor must compete fairly and not engage in anti-competitive practices, such as price fixing, market manipulation, or abuse of market power. The Vendor shall not, directly or through intermediaries, offer or promise any personal or improper advantage in order to obtain or retain a business or other advantage from a third-party, whether public or private; and pay or accept bribes, arrange or accept kickbacks and shall not take any actions to violate, or cause its business partners to violate, any applicable anti-bribery laws or regulations.
Conflicts of Interest
The Vendor shall comply with Metrolinx’s Vendor Conflict of Interest Policy and any other provisions under the applicable contract between Metrolinx and the Vendor.
Respect for Property Rights
The Vendor shall respect property rights covering confidentiality , physical and intellectual property; and, not engage in activities that violate property rights, including misuse of a dominant position, counterfeiting, piracy and abusive intellectual property litigation practices.
Whistleblower Protection
The Vendor is expected to provide employees with a grievance mechanism to raise actual or suspected wrongdoings through appropriate channels within the Vendor’s organization; and establish a safe environment for the reporting of a wrong-doing. Whistleblower grievance mechanism shall protect whistleblower confidentiality, prohibit retaliation, and shall be distributed in both English and workers’ local language. Vendors must not retaliate against any employee or contractor who raises concerns or reports potential violations of the Vendor Code or applicable laws and regulations. Regardless of any whistleblower grievance mechanism in place, individuals may still report actual or suspected wrongdoings directly to Metrolinx.