Alstom Thunder Bay to refurbish 94 bi-level GO Train coaches
Almost 100 GO Transit bi-level train coaches are being freshened up, ensuring GO service expansion.
Nov 30, 2021
Wear and tear are normal and expected parts of a train coach lifecycle, and they do need sprucing up every so often.
Instead of laying old train coaches to rest, Metrolinx has just announced an agreement with Alstom for the refurbishment of 94 GO Rail bi-level 7 Series coaches that will support service expansion across the GO Transit network.
Some older GO Transit coaches are about to get a makeover. (Metrolinx photo)
The coaches were built between 2003 and 2008 in Thunder Bay and they are now due to undergo refurbishment. Investing in these coaches is crucial to ensuring the GO Transit fleet can support the expansion of GO service in the coming years.
“Thunder Bay’s Alstom plant employees have tremendous experience with our bi-level GO Transit coaches,” said Phil Verster, Metrolinx president and CEO.
“This is an incredible opportunity to use that expertise to extend the life of our fleet, supporting the expansion of GO service in the coming years and improving the customer experience onboard our trains.”
The $171 million refurbishment agreement will extend train coach life, while also introducing onboard enhancements to make for a more enjoyable journey. This includes an installation of updated outlets with USB ports, cosmetic updates to panelling and flooring, a full replacement of customer seating, washroom upgrades including new panels, service doors, floors, plumbing, and ceiling, and improvements to existing LED lighting. Through this work, all systems will be inspected to ensure the continued safe operation of these vehicles.
Refurbishment work will take place between 2022 and 2024, with the first cars set for delivery in spring 2023.
Speaking of GO Transit coaches – and the staff and passengers who watch out for one another – did you see this recent story?
by Fannie Sunshine Metrolinx media relations advisor