Latest updates on property demolition

Demolition of vacant properties in Hamilton begin this fall

Properties on former LRT corridor to be demolished. Here’s what you need to know about the plans.

Sep 11, 2020

This fall, Metrolinx contractors will be demolishing a number of properties acquired to build the former Hamilton light rail transit (LRT) project, in order to make communities safer.

This includes demolition of 21 vacant properties, to reduce the risk of fire and other potential hazards. The work is not connected to any planned transit project, as Hamilton awaits decisions related to the recommendations provided by the Hamilton Transportation Task Force.

Most of the buildings scheduled for demolition have been vacant for more than a year. As part of regular maintenance and inspection patrols, Metrolinx’s property management team has noted a risk of fire due to smoking and illegal dumping.

a building at 943 King Street East in Hamilton

A building slated for demolition at 943 King Street East in Hamilton, (Metrolinx photo)

Metrolinx officials note vacant structures can become safety hazards, prone to vandalism and break-ins, no matter what efforts are in place to secure them.

A contract for all building demolitions was recently awarded to Budget Demolition, a local company with experience in demolition, and an intimate knowledge of Hamilton’s neighbourhoods and communities.

Pending permit approval, demolition is anticipated to begin sometime in fall 2020 and be completed in early 2021. Prior to any demolition taking place, Metrolinx will notify surrounding businesses and residents.

For safety’s sake - Demolition of vacant properties purchased in Hamilton begin this fall

Building at 929 King Street East in Hamilton slated for demolition. (Metrolinx photo)

Plans for the remaining Metrolinx-acquired properties along the corridor are still being established.  Some properties continue to be leased by commercial and residential tenants and are not being considered for demolition at this time. 

Development plans and future ownership of these properties will be determined at a later date. And we’ll have updates on those plans when they’re released.