Finch West LRT construction at Humber

Finch West LRT track installation and vehicle testing updates

New infographic shows how much track has been put down and LRVs continue important testing phase.

Sep 12, 2022

Nearly half of all track is now installed along the Finch West light rail transit (LRT) route.

That’s up from about 35 per cent, when Metrolinx News last updated readers on track installation back in May.

Finch West LRT construction at Islington

Crews continue to make progress on the east end of the new line near Finch West Station, at Highway 400 and towards Humber College.

In a recent social media post, the Finch West LRT team debuted a new infographic that shows you just how much rail has been put down. It’s also shown below.

Finch West Track Installation Progress September 2022

Showcasing track installation progress across the Finch West LRT (maintenance and storage facility not shown). (Metrolinx image)

Light rail vehicle (LRV) testing continues

The third Finch West LRV was delivered earlier this year and is joining the other two in the testing phase.

Vehicles are running along a 1.8 km test track area between York Gate Boulevard and Sentinel Road.

Overhead view of Finch West LRT under construction

Each vehicle needs to be tested for 600 km, which can take three weeks or more per vehicle.

Check out this Instagram post for more photos of the LRVs.

by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager