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Get real time train updates with GO Tracker mobile site

GOTracker.ca gives you a train departure board in the palm of your hand.

Jan 22, 2024

Time, as the expression goes, may be free, but it is also priceless. And in a busy, modern society, we can’t seem to get enough of it.

What if you found out there was something you could use that might help you manage your time a little better?

GO wants to do just that, with its handy GO Tracker website, which lets you know when the next train will arrive at your station — in real-time. 

For example, say you are getting ready for work in the morning and wondering if you have enough time to catch the express from Clarkson to Union Station. Just pull out your smartphone, navigate your browser to gotracker.ca, and select your line and station.

GO Tracker will show you that the 8:21 a.m. train is on time and will be leaving from Platform 1.

GO Tracker

Or perhaps you are at the Raptors game and wondering when the next train to Oshawa is scheduled to depart from Union on the Lakeshore East Line. Pull up gotracker.ca on your device and you can decide if you want to stick around for fourth quarter or head home early.

It’s just like having a train departure board in the palm of your hand. And the best thing is, just like the boards at the stations (where everyone crowds around), the information on gotracker.ca is updated in real time.

Another advantage of GO Tracker, it only shows you the trains you want to see, offering a list view that can be as many as a dozen departures long.

GO Tracker

Plus, GO Tracker will show you updated trip information for your station and all other stations on that line, including Union Station, such as delays and when a trip is express or all-stops.

Throughout your trip, GO Tracker will also automatically refresh.

So, whether it’s having that extra sip of your coffee in the morning, buying that item you need for dinner before going home from work, or making sure you stick around for the last basket at the game, GO Tracker can help make it happen.
