A worker is lifted by a cherry-picker to help install glass.

Glass roof installed over Science Centre station entrance

Latest updates on construction progress along the Eglinton Crosstown LRT line.

Feb 12, 2020

Up and down, Toronto’s Crosstown light rail transit (LRT) route is undergoing some serious advances in construction lately.

A sign of finer details being put in place comes through in a recent image from work on the Science Centre station. Glass is being installed – a meticulous process by project builders Crosslinx Transit Solutions – on the roof over the main entrance.

A worker is lifted by a cherry-picker to help install glass.

Work on the glass entrance of Science Centre station. (Metrolinx photo)

And despite the cold of winter, there’s also more heavy work taking place at track level.

Check out this image of track installation ongoing on the surface sections – in this case, on track pads east of Leslie Street.

a line of Crosstown track pads.

Track pads east of Leslie Street. (Metrolinx photo)

For other recent Crosstown stories, go here. And keep checking back, as we approach the completion of the first Crosstown station. Because, yes, we’ll have your first look inside.