London GO Train service starts today

London GO Train service starts today

The first ever GO Train trip from London left the station today for Toronto’s Union Station.

Oct 18, 2021

GO train service between Toronto and London is now rolling.

The first batch of customers got on board this morning (Oct. 18), at 5:20 a.m., flanked by some diehard transit fans, Metrolinx staff, and local journalists.

For now, GO train service between Toronto and Southwestern Ontario is a pilot program.

Mayor stands in a robe, holding a coffee

Coffee in hand – St. Marys, Ontario, Mayor Al Strathdee, dressed for the early morning occasion. (Matt Llewellyn photo)

As part of the GO train run, the transit agency is offering one early weekday morning trip from London to Toronto and one weekday evening trip from Toronto to London.

the train at the station.

The first – A GO train sits at the Stratford Station, before heading toward Toronto. (Matt Llewellyn photo)

Longtime GO customer Taylor Heywood was up early for the first-ever GO train trip, after spending the weekend with family in London. They said the new service makes sense for a lot of people in Southwestern Ontario.

a customer looking at the camera

GO customer Taylor Heywood sits aboard the first GO train out of London, on Monday, Oct. 18. (Matt Llewellyn photo)

“I think it’s worth it, especially for all the people who live in between London and Kitchener, like St. Marys – I think it’s nice for people to have a new option,” said Heywood.

A GO train is shown in the darkness.

A GO train waits in the early morning, before setting off on the first run from London, Ont. (Matt Llewellyn photo)

The eastbound trip will make all stops from London to Bramalea GO (including St. Marys and Stratford), and then go express to Union Station. The westbound trip will also run express, from Union Station to Bramalea GO and then make all stops to London.

Get the more information on the new GO Transit to London webpage.

Metrolinx releases schedules for new London GO train service

by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager, Matt Llewellyn Spokesperson