tile covered with plastic sheets, near large work lights.

New Eglinton Crosstown images show moody shots of construction

In the latest batch of photos, Metrolinx News noticed two that play a bit with light and mood.

Sep 10, 2020

Call us grounded transit romantics.

But going over the latest batch of photos from the Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit (LRT) project, we were struck by lights and shadows in two of the images.

There’s also an interesting side-by-side visual showing escalators being moved through tunnels to get to Caledonia Station.

One of the more moody photos shows how tradespeople are installing floor tiling on the Science Centre platform, with the help of a lot of plastic and large work lamps. It looks a bit like candle light.

tile covered with plastic sheets, near large work lights.

New tile being set and protected at the Science Centre Station. (Metrolinx photo)

Then there’s a prickly shot from Laird Station, as crews continue to spray ‘shotcrete’ along interior arches. The substance helps secure the tunnel walls.

a tunnel with yellow spray on it.

Light plays off of walls being sprayed with shotcrete. (Metrolinx photo)

And back to the escalators at Caledonia. These photos tell an interesting story.

Two escalators were delivered to Caledonia using the tunnels – through the Black Creek Portal and rode the rails all the way to Caledonia (right through Keelesdale Station), where they were installed.

The picture on the left shows the delivery going through Keelesdale, and on the right is the same escalator now installed at Caledonia.

an escalator being towed along rail tracks and another installed.

And if you’re wondering why we’re focusing on light and shadows in some of the photos in this post, it’s not so strange, considering it’s a, um, a ‘light’ rail system.