the bed ready for tracks.

New photos show Finch West LRT progress

Storm sewers to a huge bridge for Finch West LRT – New photos show progress from every angle.

Nov 26, 2020

A new crop of Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) line images show construction is making strides in a number of interesting ways.

At the Humber College Stop, crews having been working on the installation of the wet utilities. Here, you can see storm sewer construction taking place at the foot of the multi-use path for the college.

a large construction area.

Work continues on important wet utilities. (Michael Fayehun photo)

At Highway 400, abutment refacing work is taking place. The bridge was replaced over two weekends back in June, and crews are now working on the finishing touches of the bridge infrastructure.  

construction under the bridge.

Work under the Highway 400 bridge. (Michael Fayehun photo)

a bird's eye view of the bridge.

As well as how it looks from high overhead. (Michael Fayehun photo)

At the Maintenance and Storage Facility site, structural steel work is now complete, and work to get this building up and running is ongoing including roof work and installation of the mechanical and electrical requirements inside the building.

the large construction site.

The large Maintenance and Storage Facility site. (Michael Fayehun photo)

And installation of the overhead catenary system poles has started at the Maintenance and Storage Facility. These poles will hold the wires that will power the future light rail vehicles. Ballast placement and track installation also continues.

the bed ready for tracks.

The installation of the overhead catenary system. (Michael Fayehun photo)

To date, crews have installed 792 metres of track.

by Erika D’Urbano Communications senior advisor