Durham-Scarborough BRT
Durham-Scarborough BRT
The Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit (DSBRT) project proposes approximately 36 kilometers of bus rapid transit infrastructure along Highway 2 and Ellesmere Road connecting Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Scarborough.
Once completed, the project will allow for seamless connections with local transit networks and will provide the residents of Durham Region and the City of Toronto with more flexibility and choice to get where they need to go, faster and more reliably.
It would provide:
- Frequent 15-minute or better service, all day, seven days a week, with a bus every five minutes or less during rush hours, meaning freedom from looking at a schedule.
- Dedicated bus lanes and signal priority measures.
- 10 to 20 minute time savings for transit trips along the corridor, and;
- Efficient transfers between routes, enabling a traveller to get anywhere in the GTHA easily and reliably.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)?
What is the status of the Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit project?
Which buses will use the dedicated transit lanes?
How often will the buses run? (i.e., peak, all day service, etc.)
How much will it cost to ride the Bus Rapid Transit?
When will construction start? How long will it take to construct?
When will the Durham-Scarborough BRT be in operation?
Why can’t we just expand or add to the current bus service?
When will I be contacted about property impacts?
How has COVID-19 impacted the project? Is public transit still needed?
Project status
- The Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP), for the DSBRT project was completed on January 20, 2022 and a Notice of Completion was issued.
- The preliminary design plans for the DSBRT project have been refined based on public feedback and the Preliminary Design Business Case (PDBC) is scheduled to be completed in 2024.