Aerial shot of Hamilton skyline and cityscape

Hamilton LRT

14 kilometres of modern light rail transit running between McMaster University and Eastgate Square.


We know you have questions about the Hamilton LRT, and we have answers. Below, you will find answers to the most asked about topics for this important project.

If you have a question that isn't answered below, please reach out to us at so that a member of our team can help you.

General Project Information

The Hamilton LRT project will bring 14 kilometres of fast, frequent light rail transit through Hamilton’s downtown core connecting you from Eastgate to McMaster and everywhere in between. Modern light rail service will connect key areas, destinations, and institutions along Main Street, King Street and Queenston Road and will support will move approximately 50,000 riders daily and 16,400 new daily trips on transit. It will also feature connections to GO Transit and HSR bus service.




Community Benefits
