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Project Life Cycle

Environmental Studies  

Environmental studies ensure we consider any potential environmental effects before starting work on a project.  

These studies document existing conditions, assess potential construction or operational impacts from a project, and identify ways to eliminate or reduce them.  

The type of environmental studies that are conducted depend entirely on the project itself. There are a variety of factors that determine the potential need for and/or type of environmental study. These factors include (but aren’t limited to): 

  • Project size and scope; 
  • Geographical location; and 
  • Natural, social, cultural, and economic considerations.  

Based on these factors, a project may not proceed, or it will require further changes to design and scope, which may impact project timelines. 

To support a project’s design, Metrolinx engages with the public, follows recommendations from these studies and takes the necessary steps to ensure we do what is needed to deliver a project in the right way. 

Learn more about environmental assessment requirements for transit projects

saplings in the ground in a forest