Queen St Hwy 7 BRT
Frequently asked questions
What is bus rapid transit (BRT)?
BRT examples
Why is Queen Street-Highway 7 BRT (Q7BRT) needed?
How far would the Queen Street-Highway 7 BRT (Q7BRT) go and what path would it follow?
How many stops would there be along the Queen Street-Highway 7 BRT (Q7BRT)?
How far apart would the stops be located?
What capacity would the buses have?
How often would these buses run?
What happens if there’s a traffic jam?
Why BRT and not some other form of transit?
Who would build the Queen Street-Highway 7 BRT (Q7BRT)?
How much would this project cost to build?
Who would fund this project?
When is construction anticipated to start?
How long would it take for the project to be completed?
How will the Queen Street-Highway 7 BRT (Q7BRT) improve interconnectivity? Will the Q7BRT connect to other transit services?
Who would operate the Queen Street-Highway 7 BRT (Q7BRT)?
How long would it take to travel the whole route?
Would bike lanes be accommodated along the route?
How would I know if my property will be impacted?
What is a Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP)?
What is the Preliminary Design Business Case (PDBC)?
How do I share my feedback/get involved throughout the planning process?
What environmental considerations have been given through the BRT planning? How will the BRT decrease emissions and improve the environment?