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Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP)

2025 – 2029 Metrolinx Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP)

The Metrolinx Multi-Year Accessibility Plan is also available in accessible Word and PDF formats. For alternate formats please get in touch with the Contact Centre or


What is a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan?

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Multi-Year Accessibility Plan is a public-facing roadmap for meeting obligations under the AODA, and for preventing and removing barriers to accessibility across the organization.

As prescribed under the AODA, the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP) must be updated every five years. The new Metrolinx MYAP is in effect from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2029. Past plans and reports are posted on the Metrolinx Accessibility webpage and linked at the end of this document.

In addition to the requirement to create a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, the AODA prescribes organizations such as Metrolinx report annually on the plan’s progress in an annual status report. Metrolinx will write a status report each calendar year.

The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan and corresponding annual status reports are posted publicly on the website.

Alternate formats of the MYAP or status reports can be obtained by emailing, through the Contact Centre web form,  by calling the Contact Centre at 1-888-438-6646 or using the Telecommunications Relay Service number: 1-800-855-0511.

About the AODA

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) came into effect in 2005. The Act aims to create an accessible and inclusive province where everyone can fully participate in everyday life in our communities.

The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) under the AODA contains the requirements the government and public sector organizations (and others) must follow. This Regulation establishes the accessibility standards for information and communications, transportation, employment, design of public spaces, and customer service.  Not all requirements apply to the business, services, and facilities that Metrolinx offers. However, Metrolinx must comply with the requirements in each standard, provided on the following page:  

1. Information and Communication
Includes requirements such as ensuring websites and web content are accessible, communicating the availability of alternative formats by request, public safety information, and provision of accessible formats.

2. Transportation
Includes requirements for accessible vehicle design, onboard and pre-boarding visual and audible announcements, fares for support persons, service disruption notifications, priority seating, emergency preparedness and having plans in place in the event of non-functioning accessibility equipment. As a conventional transit provider, Metrolinx has additional training requirements and must host an annual public meeting on accessibility.

3. Employment
Includes requirements such as policies to support employees with disabilities from recruitment through the career cycle, workplace emergency response plans, and individual accommodation plans.

4. Design of Public Spaces
Includes requirements such as exterior path of travel design requirements, accessible parking requirements, waiting areas and service counter requirements.

5. Customer Service
Includes requirements such as establishment of accessibility policies, service animal requirements, support person requirements, notice of temporary disruption, staff training, establishing a feedback process and accessible formatting of documents.  

There are also General requirements under the IASR regarding accessibility plans and related annual reports, training, procurement of accessible goods, services and facilities, and self-serve kiosks. Metrolinx must comply with these and the requirements found in all five standards to achieve compliance with the AODA.

About the 2025 -2029 Metrolinx MYAP

Metrolinx aims to meet our AODA obligations and remove and prevent barriers through initiatives that fall into the four focus areas described below. These focus areas align with Metrolinx operations and feedback received from the disability community.

The initiatives in this plan have been given target timelines to help prioritize work and support the development of the annual status reports.

1. Informed Staff
Metrolinx will create and update policies, training, and resources to help staff meet Metrolinx’s AODA obligations and demonstrate our commitment to accessible and equitable travel.

2. Informed Riders
Accessibility related information about current Metrolinx networks and services, including disruptions, will be shared to make the system more accessible and usable for existing customers with disabilities and help Metrolinx attract new customers.

3. Informed Design
Design decisions for new construction, renovations and state of good repair work will incorporate validated information about current conditions and evidence-based research. In some cases, they must also go beyond the requirements of the AODA and Ontario Building Code (OBC), to meet customer expectations for accessibility and usability. Metrolinx will incorporate feedback from consultations conducted with the Metrolinx Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC), other Municipal Advisory Committees, and the annual Accessibility Public Meeting to continue to include new perspectives and updated information from across the region.

4. Co-ordinated Efforts
Externally, Metrolinx will work with partner organizations and other transit agencies to create a more accessible and seamless travel experience. Internally, we will work with stakeholders across the organization to streamline reporting and compliance initiatives. The result of this area of focus will support an integrated, effective, and sustainable regional transit for all.

2025 – 2029 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Initiatives

1 - Informed Staff

Metrolinx will create and update policies, training, and resources to help staff meet Metrolinx’s AODA obligations and demonstrate our commitment to accessible and equitable travel.

1.1 Update Key Accessibility Policies





Update the Metrolinx Corporate Accessibility Policy.

2025 - 2026


Update the Support Person Policy

2025 - 2026


Update the Accommodation Policy for people with disabilities using Metrolinx services.

2026 - 2028


Update the Service Animal Policy.

2025 - 2026

1.2 Review Other Policies





Review two other existing policies each year and make recommendations to policy owners on accessibility, universal design, and impact on people with disabilities.

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.

1.3 Develop Internal Guidance for Staff





Develop internal guidance document(s) to help ensure that information and materials developed by third parties on behalf of Metrolinx are made in an accessible format and are available in alternative formats upon request.

2025 - 2026


Develop guidance to staff to support the procurement of information in alternative formats and the provision of communication supports.

2027 - 2028


Develop guidance to staff to support accessible and inclusive service delivery and public engagement initiatives.

2027 - 2028


Create an internal accessibility resource hub to support staff in understanding how to meet the requirements of the AODA and provide accessible, inclusive travel to people with disabilities.

2028 - 2029

1.4 Review and Update Accessibility Training and Resources





Develop Metrolinx-specific, role-specific mandatory AODA training as on-demand modules on the internal staff training Metrolinx University platform.

2026 - 2028


Develop a series of on-demand training videos for staff to help with understanding:

  • How people with various disabilities use features in the built environment, and
  • How people with disabilities engage with Metrolinx services.

2028 - 2029

2 – Informed Riders

Accessibility related information about current Metrolinx networks and services, including disruptions, will be shared with riders and the general public.  This information sharing will help make the system more accessible and usable for existing customers with disabilities and help Metrolinx attract new customers.

2.1 Update Information About the Current Network





Update and streamline public-facing Accessibility pages across service areas - Metrolinx, GO Transit, UP Express, and PRESTO - to ensure that policies related to AODA obligations and other accessibility information are accurate, up-to-date, and easy to find.

2025 - 2026


Update the GO Transit Accessibility Guide.

2026 - 2027

2.2 Increase Available Information About the Current Network





Develop an Accessibility Operating Plan identifying operational procedures to support customers with disabilities. The Plan will clearly identify procedures to provide notices of disruption and ensure the availability of information relevant to accessible services.



Determine potential improvements for the GO Transit and UP Express Trip Planning Experience with an enhanced focus on accessibility information.

2025 - 2026

3 – Informed Design

Design decisions for new construction, renovations and state-of-good-repair work will incorporate validated information about current conditions and evidence-based research. In some cases, design must also go beyond the AODA and Ontario Building Code (OBC) requirements to meet customer expectations for accessibility and usability. Metrolinx will incorporate feedback from consultations conducted with the Metrolinx Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC), other Municipal Advisory Committees, and the annual Accessibility Public Meeting to continue to include new perspectives and updated information from across the region.

3.1 Evidence-Based Design





Conduct research projects to support decision-making around changes to the DS-02 Universal Design Standard and the improvement of customer interface design in the built environment.

2028 - 2029


Expand accessibility audits to other types of infrastructure such as GO Transit bus stops to help inform renovation priorities and formalize current service delivery alternatives.

2027 - 2028

3.2 Standards and Guidelines





Conduct a formal review of the Universal Design Standard (DS-02) every second year to provide editorial updates and look for opportunities to clarify requirements, incorporate public feedback, keep up with changing practices and legislation, and address barriers.

2026, 2028.


Present the Wayfinding Standard (DS-03) to other municipalities to support an accessible, equitable, inclusive, and consistent regional network.

2028 - 2029

3.3 Continuous Improvement





Report annually on the quantity of tactile walking surface indicators (TWSIs) where accessible paths cross vehicular routes and at the tops of stairs, tactile directional indicators (TDIs) to provide direction within stations and platform edge tactile attention indicators that have been installed in station facilities.

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.


Report annually on the status of existing stations that lack step-free access and on the anticipated timeline for providing a step-free route from where customers arrive on-site to where they can board the 5A (accessibility) coach. As of January 1, 2025, these stations are Mimico and Long Branch.

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.


Report annually on accessibility improvements that have been made at existing stations through State of Good Repair programs to address accessibility audit findings or which otherwise have an impact on accessibility and safety for people with disabilities.

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.

3.4 Broader Consultation





Continuous work with the Metrolinx Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) to improve structure and operations support increased representation and engagement, and balance continuity of membership with receiving fresh perspectives.

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.


Conduct an annual Accessibility Public Meeting to update the public on progress against the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan and receive feedback on accessibility, universal design, and the experience of people with disabilities when using Metrolinx services (GO Transit, UP Express, and PRESTO).

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.


Expand the number of ways and opportunities for people with disabilities, and for organizations serving them, to provide feedback and receive information about Metrolinx services.

2026 - 2028


Present to two municipal accessibility advisory committees where Metrolinx is planning work to provide updates, and information or to consult or seek insight on issues or concerns specific to the region.

2027 - 2028

4 – Coordinated Efforts

Externally, Metrolinx will work with partner organizations and other transit agencies to create a more accessible and seamless travel experience. Internally, Metrolinx will work with stakeholders across the organization to streamline reporting and compliance initiatives. The result of this area of focus will support an integrated, effective, and sustainable regional transit for all.

4.1 Regional Integration





Work within Metrolinx policies and operating procedures to align the use of support person cards from across regional service providers on the Metrolinx system.

2025 - 2026


Develop a plan to share accessibility information about shared transit facilities, such as GO bus stops at municipal transit agencies, with the public.

2028 - 2029


Introduce and explain the most current version of the Metrolinx Universal Design Standard (DS-02) to other local and regional transit agencies, prioritizing those with shared facilities, with the goal of an integrated transit experience and consistent experience of accessibility across intersecting systems.

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.

4.2 Internal Oversight and Management





Develop an AODA Oversight and Management Team for AODA reporting and for line-of-sight to activities impacting accessibility and the experience of people with disabilities using Metrolinx services.

2025 – 2026


Work with the AODA Oversight and Management committee to document the process for collecting and responding to customer accessibility feedback and complaints and post the updated information on the Metrolinx Accessibility and related pages.

2026 - 2028

4.3 Partnerships with Disability Focused Organizations





Maintain Validated Customer reviews on the AccessNow platform by AccessNow Mappers when stations are renovated (for stations with existing listings), and when new GO and UP Express stations are completed. Find out more at

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.


Conduct an annual Sunflower program uptake and feedback assessment to determine opportunities for program improvements and expansions.

2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.


Explore opportunities for customer travel training modules in partnership with service organizations, other transit agencies and community partners.

2028 - 2029



The Metrolinx Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP) is effective from January 1st, 2025, until December 31st, 2029. The MYAP is a requirement of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). It identifies initiatives to help Metrolinx meet and sustain compliance with the AODA requirements and prevent and remove barriers for people with disabilities using Metrolinx services and facilities. Each initiative has been assigned a timeline and is part of a focus area: informed staff, informed riders, informed design, and coordinated efforts.  

Metrolinx will report progress against the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan annually through a status report posted in French and English on the Metrolinx Accessibility page and available in other formats by request. The public is encouraged to provide feedback on Metrolinx’s progress against the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan at the Metrolinx Annual Accessibility Meeting or through other customer feedback channels.

Reference and Sources

In addition to the contributions of those acknowledged above, the 2025- 2029 Metrolinx Multi-Year Accessibility Plan was informed by feedback and insight received through:

  • Feedback provided by the Metrolinx Accessibility Advisory Committee,
  • The Metrolinx Design Advisory Panel (MDAP) meetings,
  • The email,
  • Via telephone or webform,
  • Community engagement events,
  • Design reviews against the AODA Design of Public Spaces Standards, Ontario Building Code, and Metrolinx Standards including DS-02 Universal Design Standard,
  • Staff participation in regional and international transit and accessibility professional networks and working groups,
  • Questions, feedback and conversations with Metrolinx staff and design and construction partners, and
  • Research initiatives and projects.

To learn more about the accessibility framework in the province of Ontario, please see:


Metrolinx would like to thank the Metrolinx Accessibility Advisory Committee and customers who attended the 2024 Annual Accessibility Public Meeting or completed the annual accessibility survey, and those who contacted Metrolinx through or through the Customer Contact Centre. The consultations and feedback collected over the last several years have formed the basis of this plan and supports our alignment with customer needs.