the outside of the station.

Crosstown LRT reaches milestone, Science Centre Station entrance

The Eglinton Crosstown project is seeing progress - lately, teams have been finishing concrete work.

Apr 21, 2021

Crews on Eglinton Crosstown’s light rail transit (LRT) project are pouring it on.

The teams from Crosslinx Transit Solutions – Metrolinx’s builders on the new Toronto route – have finished up several sections of concrete.

men working around newly poured concrete.

Crews busy at work on the Eglinton Station concrete pour. (Metrolinx photo)

Recent images include one from Eglinton Station, where those experts have completed a concrete pour at the station inverts, marking the completion of all invert pours across the project. An ‘invert pour’ is a pour of the base level slab – not to be confused with the ‘mudslab’, which is the slab below the invert that actually sits on the ground.

new concrete inside the construction area of the station.

The lower concourse area at Mount Pleasant Station. (Metrolinx photo)

And at Mount Pleasant Station, crews have completed a concrete pour at the lower concourse level. The area will one day see plenty of passenger traffic.

the outside of the station.

Looking down at the work on the louvers at Science Centre Station. (Metrolinx photo)

Meanwhile, at Science Centre Station, workers have completed installation of the louvers at the main entrance. The features will be a well-known and a distinctive part of the transit destination’s look.

All in all, you have to, um, louver what’s been accomplished lately along the light rail transit line.

Want to see another recent Crosstown progress story you may have missed, involving testing of light rail vehicles on an automated system? Just click here.