A tractor moves under a large girder.

Eglinton Crosstown takes more than transit tracks and tunnels

The Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit route takes heavy digging and expert tunnelling.

Mar 18, 2020

In the light of day, Eglinton Crosstown requires finishing touches that are far above the tunnels we often focus on in our weekly photo galleries.

The light rail transit (LRT) project, which will boast 25 stations and more than 19 kilometres of rail, is now seeing some nuanced features that will make the system liveable for customers. They may seem common, but they speak volumes about being able to see clearer what stations and stops will look like when the project is finished.

Take, for example, this first look at a raised bike lane at Keelesdale station, as final road restoration commences around the station. Where the LRT is underground, crews are building two kilometres of bicycle tracks in front of stations, while the city of Toronto is designing eight kilometres of cycle tracks between the stations.

Fresh pavement is put down along a route.

Fresh face – A raised bike lane at Keelesdale Station. (Metrolinx photo)

As well, the writing is on the wall for progress at Science Centre Station. At least when it comes to actual branding of the hub, where letters are being placed on the exterior glass at the station’s southwest corner.

Science Centre' is being spelled out on main entrance windows.

Clearly new – The Science Centre gets its name spelled out on its main windows. (Metrolinx photo)

And fine, beyond the more common work, we also just happen to have a pretty cool recent image taken below ground. Take a look at this shot as excavation progresses downward under the subway tunnel for Cedarvale Station – light can be seen shining through from the opposite side.

A tractor moves under a large girder.

Excavation progresses under the TTC subway tunnel for Cedarvale Station. (Metrolinx photo)

For other recent Crosstown stories, go here. And keep checking back, as we approach the completion of the first Crosstown station. Because, yes, we’ll have your first look inside.