Environmental project report for segment of Dundas BRT project
Metrolinx has released an Environmental Project Report for the Dundas BRT Mississauga East portion.
Feb 23, 2022
Residents and community members can now review an environmental project report for the Mississauga East segment of the Dundas bus rapid transit (BRT) line.
The report released this week (Feb. 22), can be reviewed online and people are encouraged to provide their feedback.
Metrolinx is working in collaboration with the City of Mississauga to advance planning for the Dundas bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor by completing the Environmental Project Report (EPR) for the Mississauga East segment of the project.
This segment of the Dundas BRT covers the area between Etobicoke Creek in western Toronto, to Confederation Parkway in the east end of Mississauga.
The Project
For those unfamiliar with it, the Dundas BRT project is a proposed transit line that would see local transit buses running along a 48-km stretch of Dundas Street from Highway 6 in Hamilton through to the Kipling Transit Hub in Toronto, linking Etobicoke and Mississauga City Centres.
Over 20-km of the route would feature bus lanes in a dedicated right-of-way, separate from other traffic, allowing faster and more reliable transit connections.
A map of the proposed Dundas BRT with the route highlighted in red. (Metrolinx image)
The project is divided into four segments:
- Toronto – Kipling Transit Hub to Etobicoke Creek
- Mississauga East – Etobicoke Creek to Confederation Parkway – the current phase
- Mississauga West – Confederation Parkway to Ninth Line
- Halton and Hamilton – Ninth Line to Highway 6
Want to understand more about what a BRT is? Check out the short video below:
Public consultation
People are a very important part of the transit building process.
Leading up to and during the TPAP, multiple consultations are held where area residents, businesses, and stakeholders are invited to learn about what has been uncovered at various stages of the process and to provide comment.
Artist’s rendering showing what the Dundas BRT could look like when built. (Metrolinx image)
These sessions are important because they often help to shape the end product. Some of the concerns revealed during community consultation particular to the Dundas BRT included potential for reductions in lane widths, how left- and U-turn lanes might be changed, traffic congestion, crosswalk and station platform safety for pedestrians and drivers, and impacts to property.
All the findings gathered throughout the TPAP are then distilled down into a report – the EPR – and now Metrolinx is asking the public to review and provide comment.
Activities held to date include:
Next Steps
Now that the Dundas EPR has been completed, the public is given an opportunity to comment for a period of 30 days from Feb. 23 to Mar. 25, 2022.
After that, there will be a 35-day Minister’s review period from Mar. 26 to Apr. 28, 2022.
The next area of focus for the Dundas BRT project will be on the Toronto and Mississauga West segments.
More information on the Erindale Valley pinch point alternatives and proposed stop locations in Toronto and Mississauga West will be presented in summer/fall 2022. Engagement on Halton and Hamilton will also continue through 2022.
Stay tuned for more information on the Dundas BRT project and future opportunities to participate. People can also contact the project team here.
by Suzanne Schofield Metrolinx communications senior advisor