Find out what’s trending on the GO Wi-Fi Plus content portal
As more entertainment is constantly added, it’s time to check what people are enjoying on the GO.
Jan 25, 2022
You have good taste.
COVID-19 might have reduced transit ridership, but the GO Wi-Fi Plus portal continues to grow.
Just like air travel, while on GO buses or GO trains, customers can use their phones to log into an entertainment portal that provides unlimited free access to TV shows, music, audiobooks, e-books, courses, and podcasts.
But what do GO customers like best? Well, it depends.
There are a lot of different kinds of content on the portal and customer’s top choices change month by month.
In the summer, when ridership was higher, in line with waning COVID-19 cases, kid shows were on top. Now that COVID-19 cases are higher and ridership has dipped, adult shows and music are more popular.
Digging in a bit deeper
GO Wi-Fi Plus has a lot of choice to pick from. There’s everything from CTV, to Discovery, Bloomberg, and Stingray music – all told there’s more than 900 unique pieces of content on the entertainment portal.
To give customers a better idea of what’s hot on GO Wi-Fi Plus, let’s zoom in on Nov. 2021 as an example.
Back at that point in time, on the video side (which makes up the lion’s share of views), Crime Beat TV on Global News, Cardinal on CTV, and iCarly on Corus kids, hit the podium for most views.
For customers tapping into Stingray music, it was 80s and 90s Pop Rock on top, with honourable mentions going to Top 40, Hip-Hop, and Classic Rock.
A Metrolinx employee on a GO bus during a recent test of the WiFi portal. (Roy Mak photo)
The most read e-book? Passengers seemed to fall in love with Say I do, by Rachel Hauck.
Looking ahead, GO Transit continues to refine the platform and plans to add more content partners to the portal in the future.
Stay tuned to Metrolinx News and GO Transit on social media for updates on GO Wi-Fi Plus.
In the meantime, the entertainment portal and free Wi-Fi stand ready for the eventual return of more regular GO customers.
Until then, happy watching, reading, and listening.
by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager