Long shadows – Customers line up at the Bramalea GO station on June 4, 2019, as they wait for a GO train to arrive against an early morning sun. (Photo by Thane Burnett)
We are all about safe arrivals. For many customers, it’s the moment that’s most important. But they are more complicated than stomping on a brake pedal.
So we’ve created this primer. It’s an explanation on what it takes to stop a GO train, and speaks to everything from our constant reminders to never trespass onto train tracks to why our locomotives occasionally have to back up, once they’ve arrived at a platform.
For customers, it can be frustrating while waiting to be let out as an arriving train ever so slowly backs up – though platform realignments actually happen infrequently as GO makes an estimated 75,000 station stops each month. But understanding the locomotive physics, and knowing what goes through the mind of a commuter train operator – you know them as ‘engineers’ – may stop some of the impatience in its tracks.
Kevin Claerbout, manager of train operations for Metrolinx’s rail operations branch, says rule changes introduced in 2018 are quickening up the pace when a GO train overshoots a platform. Those changes include, in some cases, not needing a spotter to make their way to the rear of a train before it reverses.
But Claerbout says there are a number of factors that play out before a GO train loaded with anxious and eager passengers, can make a stop in the perfect platform position. It begins in the memory banks of the Bombardier operators. They have to know – with at least a qualifying mark of 95 per cent during testing – every main switch and element and detail along every mile of track GO operates on.
Much like professional skiers, golfers and race car drivers, they must be able to visualize every section of track without seeing it. As each station stop may have different braking points in advance, those at the controls must master the routes enough to stop perfectly, even in the thickest fog or blinding snow.
Not knowing, and slowing down would throw the scheduling off and delay passengers.
“Every station is different and requires a different braking point – it’s about understanding something as small as a change in grade, that you might not be able to see if you look straight at it,” says Claerbout, who has a lengthy history as a locomotive engineer, as well as in the training and qualifying of those at the controls.
For example, the same train may brake differently from one station to another contingent on passenger load. Take, for instance, if a train stops – fully loaded after a concert – at Exhibition. That train will brake differently at other stations as passengers get off, so the engineer is constantly making adjustments to accommodate these types of changes.
Claerbout explains that moving uphill may require the train be throttled down rather than brakes applied earlier. Small grade changes can have a big impact on the momentum of a fully packed commuter train. Tracks leading into the Rutherford GO station, for example, may seem flat, but actually have a steep grade that has to be carefully managed.
Weather can have an impact on braking. So can having a new operator, even if they’ve memorized the route.
To protect the movement of trains, there is a signal system in place to maintain a prescribed distance between the trains. When one experiences an overshoot, or undershoot at a station, the delay incurred will migrate back to following trains.
Regular customers are used to lining up on platforms and waiting for an arriving GO train, knowing the doors will usually line up with them. This is calculated by hitting the mark for the accessibility coach to offload passengers on the raised platform.
Consider having to maneuver around these realities – you’re parking a 1,100-foot (335.28 metres) vehicle at a platform that can be 35 feet (10.7 metres) in length, and are spotting a four-foot (1.2 metres) opening in the side to perfectly line up everything.
The smallest miscalculation can translate into being off a few feet. Think about it as trying to always place your vehicle tires on the same spots in your driveway on the first attempt – only on a GO train, there are at least 88 wheels.
And train operators usually get it exact.
GO trains make about 900,000 stops each year. Every month, there are, on average, 200 overshoots. And of those, 90 per cent are between one and 10 feet off (.3 metres to 3.05 metres), with the majority not needing to reverse or realign.
GO Train travels along the Lakeshore East line in this undated photo (photo by Jordan Hollingsworth).
And while it seems like a long time as customers standing inside, waiting for the telltale click of the sliding doors, average delays are quite small.
Claerbout says Metrolinx is working to make the numbers even smaller, and overshoot delays even less of an issue for passengers. That includes changing markers used to line up stops on platforms. A project is ongoing to make them more visible – brighter and reflective – for operators.
There are also studies ongoing to determine where operators may be making overshoots – for example, at the start or end of their shifts. This could help them adjust to compensate.
Says Claerbout: “We look at everything because we take it seriously for the customer.”
And now we return to safety. Stopping accurately at a platform takes experience and a plan long before arrival. But a person suddenly on the tracks – including rushing across as a short-cut – can not only be terrifying for an engineer, but can often defy the laws of physics of stopping in time.
A GO train on the Kitchener Line moves along a platform on June 3, 2019.
Trains are big and move quickly. Bringing them to a stop – let alone suddenly – is always a combination of science, math and human reaction.
For you, our customer – as we more fully try to explain the workings of the transit system you count on – it’s perhaps enough to make you stop and think.
Steps to a stop – A countdown to an arrival.
Congratulations. You’re now a Commuter Train Operator – an engineer – guiding a GO train into a platform. Here are just some of the things you – as well as the second person manning the engine with you – have to keep in mind.
GO train operators aren’t just smart at what they do, they’re smart to pick a great occupation. Being a train engineer is one of Canada’s top jobs in 2019. Don’t just take our word for it, check out this story in Canadian Business. Just click here.
by Thane Burnett Manager of editorial content for Metrolinx