Mary Fix Creek and Etobicoke Creek environmental update
Ensuring a healthy environment is a top priority – including around the Hazel McCallion Line.
Sep 6, 2022
As work continues to build the new Hazel McCallion Line, also known as the Hurontario light rail transit (LRT), construction crews are working tirelessly to preserve and revitalize local creeks along the line.
These waterways provide important flood protection and prevent soil erosion in the local areas in Brampton and Mississauga.
Climate risks are being planned for with physical infrastructure like flood walls along the new LRT route, and the transit system is being constructed in a manner that is adaptable and resilient to future environmental conditions.
Not to mention, the line will operate with clean, electrically powered light rail vehicles (LRVs), producing near zero emissions.
A look at the area near the maintenance and storage facility where vegetation is springing up. (Metrolinx image)
Creek updates
“Not only is their restoration beneficial in enhancing habitat for local wildlife, but also for future flood risk particularly at Mary Fix Creek,” said Mobilinx environmental manager, Richard Booth. Mobilinx is the constructor for the Hazel McCallion Line.
Creeks are used as a natural flood management system as they reduce the flow of water prior to it reaching larger waterways.
They offer a sustainable approach to managing and reducing the impacts of floods. Creek networks are very beneficial to the environment and provide areas for species and habitats to thrive.
The new creek channel under the bridge near the maintenance and storage facility. (Metrolinx photo)
Etobicoke Creek
At the LRT line’s OMSF (operations, maintenance and storage facility), work has been ongoing on the adjacent Etobicoke Creek tributary.
LRVs will get to and from the OMSF building by travelling along Topflight Drive and over a new bridge spanning Etobicoke Creek.
The new bridge decking has been installed and OMSF has been connected to the guideway for future track installation.
Creek flows have been fully reinstated, the restoration of the channel has been completed and new vegetation is already popping up.
The restored channel is functioning and this year there has already been evidence of bird and wildlife use within the reinstated habitat.
This work was necessary to allow the LRT vehicles to reach the OMSF while ensuring little to no impact to Etobicoke Creek.
A look at the new creek channel restoration and protection area. (Metrolinx photo)
Mary Fix Creek
At the 100-year-old Mary Fix Creek near Port Credit GO Station, workers have been expanding and revitalizing the creek bed as part of the project.
The creek provides vital flood protection and prevents soil erosion in the Port Credit area.
The new creek bed is designed to handle a 100-year-flood, which could have been devastating to the local region. As part of this, the creek infrastructure is being widened and deepened.
“As part of our restoration plans, crews will plant native trees, shrubs and plants to enhance local biodiversity and help restore a natural heritage system,” said Booth.
“It’s nice to see many birds and other wildlife species using the new areas already”.
A new concrete flood channel has been installed between Hurontario to just west of the GO Station parking lot. New bridges to the GO Station parking area have also been constructed.
Creek channel reconstruction is now in the final stages on the section of the creek that runs parallel to the west side of Hurontario Street from just south of Oriole Drive, to the GO tracks.
Changes are happening quickly at both sites, check Metrolinx News for updates, as well as the project social media channels.
by Maria Khan Metrolinx communications senior advisor