an UP Express train pulling out of the Union Station platform.

UP Express sees record customer satisfaction levels

GO Transit e-ticket numbers also soar in new Metrolinx board report.

Nov 22, 2019

If a train could blush, Union Pearson (UP) Express engines – and staff – have reason to turn a bit red thanks to recent positive feedback from customers.

The love is rather overwhelming.

Overall customer satisfaction is at a record high for UP, according to new stats shared at a Metrolinx Board of Directors meeting today (Nov. 22). More than 91 per cent of customers say they are happy with their experience on UP, exceeding internal targets.


Other notable highlights of the love include:

  • 93 per cent are likely to recommend the service
  • 95 per cent will continue to use the service

Convenience and reliability are two key factors people consider when deciding what mode of transportation to use. UP Express got top marks for both, with 96 per cent of customers saying the service is a convenient way to travel and 90 per cent content with on-time performance. And more than 85 per cent of customers were satisfied with wayfinding at stations.

Metrolinx uses this type of feedback to look at ways it can improve service. Mark Childs, Chief Marketing Officer for Metrolinx, said the agency listens closely to customer feedback and in the case of UP Express to inform continuous improvements to increasingly make the journey experience stress-free.

Customer satisfaction survey results from October show 95 per cent of those on leisure airport travels are satisfied with the service, followed by 91 per cent of business travellers. Commuter satisfaction rates came in at 89 per cent.

an UP Express train pulling out of the Union Station platform.

“We are seeing positive results on several key deliverables for our customers,” said Metrolinx CEO Phil Verster during the public session of the meeting. “GO Transit and UP Express both reported above target customer satisfaction scores, with new highs. These are fabulous results.”

GO Transit had strong satisfaction results as ridership and service levels increase. Reliability was 80 per cent for train and 77 per cent for bus. August had all-time high safety numbers, with 91 per cent of customers saying they felt safe on the service.Verster detailed other examples of how Metrolinx is improving customer satisfaction across the organization.

“We’ve reduced the minimum load requirement for PRESTO from $10 to five cents,” he noted.

Verster said an e-ticket pilot launched in July has seen significant uptake from customers. By the end of October, more than 50,000 tickets were sold online.

“This pilot will allow us to test and improve the self-serve customer experience,” he said.

Other notable items covered during today’s board meeting included updates on the Kitchener and Niagara Falls service expansion Initial Business Cases, details on winter preparedness and an overview of the largest mock exercise ever held at Union Station.

Even short distance trips are being shown love, thanks to a recent 24 per cent growth in the number of customers jumping aboard to travel between stops closest to Union Station.

by Suniya Kukaswadia Metrolinx media relations senior advisor