Finch West LRT

Finch West LRT – Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about what's going on in your neighbourhood, please don't hesitate to contact us. Here's how to get in touch with the Finch West LRT team:

By phone: 416-202-6500

By email:

Project Basics

Will the Finch West LRT run underground or on the surface?

The Finch West LRT will run primarily at street level in dedicated lanes down the centre of Finch Avenue West. LRVs will enter and exit the two underground stations on either end of the line (Humber College Station and Finch West Station) through portals, long ramps that create a shallow grade allowing vehicles to safely transfer between the stations and the surface.


When did construction begin, and when will the line be complete?

Major construction on the Finch West LRT began in 2019, with the first active work sites at the Maintenance and Storage Facility site and at Finch and Highway 400. Construction is expected to conclude in 2023.

Using the Finch West LRT

Who will operate the Finch West LRT?

The Finch West LRT will be operated by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC).

There's always more to learn about the Finch West LRT. For a more detailed look at all the key fact about the project, [click here].