the inside of a GO bus, with the new safety systems installed. (Metrolinx photo)

New onboard COVID-19 safety measures being tested on GO Transit

Starting this week, customers may notice new safety features when they board a GO Bus or Train.

Jul 2, 2020

As more transit riders get back on GO Transit every day, the health and safety of customers continues to take a front row seat.

Starting this week (June 30), Metrolinx is trying out a series of new on-board safety measures that will complement the transit agency’s already robust safety program.

To help reduce the spread of germs, new clear plastic dividers between seats are being piloted onboard five GO trains and 30 GO buses this summer.  The GO buses with the test dividers started rolling out on June 30 and the five GO trains will enter service on July 6.

the inside of a GO bus, with the new safety systems installed. (Metrolinx photo)

New plastic dividers are being tested out on select GO buses across the region (Metrolinx photo)

To complement the dividers, customers will notice new directional wayfinding signage and one-way doors being piloted on a limited number of GO trains.

How does the new wayfinding work?

The first thing customers will notice as part of this trial are designated entry/exit doors on five GO trains. By encouraging customers to use only specific doors, customers can help keep each other safe by limiting the amount of face-to-face contact.


Having separate exit and entrance doors will help keep people flowing in one direction and reduce face-to-face contact (Metrolinx photo)

Once inside the train, customers will notice arrows directing them in the safest direction of travel. Just like in grocery stores, the goal is to help keep customers moving through the train, while also helping customers keep each other safe by limiting contact with fellow riders.

New directional signage

New directional signage, similar to those used in a retail setting, are being piloted on 5 GO trains. (Metrolinx photo)

Like any pilot project, Metrolinx will evaluate all parts of this trial, including customer satisfaction, to determine if the transit agency will move forward with installing the dividers, directional arrows and door decals on all GO vehicles.

Safety Never Stops

Though life feels different, what hasn’t changed is Metrolinx’s commitment to customer safety. Even though Metrolinx has introduced more than 40 measures aimed at helping keep everyone healthy and safe – public health officials continue to say, the best way customers can help protect each other, and to help stop the spread of germs is to wear a face covering. That’s why Metrolinx continues to strongly encourage everyone to continue to cover their face onboard our vehicles, on our platforms and in our stations.

Metrolinx is also asking customers to help keep everyone safe by following the guidance of public health officials and use a face covering when on transit. For the latest on Metrolinx’s response to COVID-19, click here.

by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager