A look inside the massive cavern below Finch West Avenue where the future LRT station will be

Du transport léger sur rail au niveau de la rue – De nouvelles photos montrent les progrès réalisés sur le tracé du TLR de Finch West

Découvrez l’intérieur d’une station de train léger sur rail (TLR) de Finch Ouest et plus encore.

Mar 16, 2022

Excavation is almost done for the brand-new Finch West light rail transit (LRT) station at Keele Street and Finch Avenue West in Toronto’s northwest end.

If it looks deep, that’s because it is. The station is 11 metres below street level – more than three storeys underground.

A look inside the massive cavern below Finch West Avenue where the future LRT station will be

A look inside the future Finch West LRT station at Keele Street and Finch Avenue West. (Metrolinx photo)

It’s being built above the existing Finch West TTC station and will link the LRT to TTC’s Line 1 subway.

Once excavation is complete, construction on the station will begin.

Want more background on the Finch West LRT project? Click here.

From deep below ground, we head much closer to street level in our next photo.

crews working in a pit

Watermains are just one of the utilities that have to be moved during construction. (Metrolinx photo)

Crews are working hard on the Finch West LRT route including, as you can see above, new watermain bends at the Finch Avenue West and Signet Drive intersection near the future Signet Arrow Station.

To cap off this photo update, here is a shot of the very first structural steel columns for that Humber College Stations south building which were recently installed.

Humber College structural steel

Humber College Station will be the western terminus of the Finch West LRT – another option for students to get to school by transit. (Metrolinx photo)

Stay tuned to Metrolinx News for more Finch West LRT progress photos and check the project social media handles for more information.

by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager