an orange pattern on a wall.

VIDEO: Station walkthrough brings Eglinton Crosstown LRT to life

The grip of winter is starting to take hold, but transit progress doesn’t slow down.

Dec 23, 2020

Don’t fancy going for a walk out in the cold?

Why not come on inside and talk a look at how some of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT stations are coming along – right from the comfort of your toasty living room.

Metrolinx and its constructor Crosslinx Transit Solutions continue to make progress on the 19-kilometre long transit line. Tracks are being laid, vehicles are being tested and many of the 25 stations and stops are nearing completion.

Three great examples are Mount Dennis, Keelesdale, and Science Centre stations.

The project really comes to life when you walk down the stairs into Mount Dennis Station and see the platform, the tracks and even see the words ‘Mount Dennis’ prominently displayed on the wall.

Don’t take our word for it, go for a walkabout here:

by Scott Money Metrolinx editorial content manager