Eglinton Crosstown West Extension
We know you have questions about the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension, and we have answers. Below, you will find answers to the most asked-about topics for this important project.
If you have a question that isn't answered below, please reach out to us at so that a member of our team can help you.
What will the project cost?
Why is the project divided into multiple contracts?
When did construction start?
How will you address noise and vibration?
What will people experience during tunnelling?
How are you supporting businesses through construction?
Environment and community impacts
Have you thoroughly studied the potential environmental impacts of the project in natural areas along the line?
Will neighbouring park spaces be impacted?
Will any trees need to be removed, and how will any loss of tree cover be compensated?
Route and stations
Why does the route need to be elevated between Scarlett Road and Jane Street? Why can’t it be tunnelled like the rest of the line?
Are the station names final, or will they be changing?
What will the stations look like?
Potential airport segment
What’s the status of the airport segment?
Who will operate the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension?
What will the fare be?
How will the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension connect to the Eglinton Crosstown? Will I need to transfer from the Crosstown to continue along Eglinton?