A large escalator sits on two small rail cars, inside the LRT tunnel.

The moment an escalator is moved through a Crosstown LRT tunnel

See how underground passages have a secondary function: routes to move building material.

Nov 11, 2019

The underground pathways dug for the Crosstown light rail transit (LRT) project aren’t officially open for business yet, but that doesn’t mean the tunnels can’t serve as important transportation routes.

As we continue to focus on images of the progress of Toronto’s Crosstown, one moment caught our eye. It’s of a large escalator being moved by rail car through a tunnel to Keelesdale station recently. It’s a cool detail that the passages are already being used as underground pathways that can be more practical than navigating aboveground.

A large escalator sits on two small rail cars, inside the LRT tunnel.

As well, there are updated pictures of the work being done at the former Kodak building – a 3,000-tonne heritage structure that, in 2016, was moved 60 metres from the corner of Eglington Ave. and Weston Road for the Crosstown build.

Finishing work is ongoing on the top floor, while the exterior is now fully refurnished.

Souble an almost completed top floor, as well as a prestine outer shellof the building.

And there’s a bonus picture of the work being done by Metrolinx’s building partner, Crosslinx Transit Solutions, of rebar and concrete now nearly reaching ground level at Caledonia station.

So yes, things are moving upward – even through the tunnels themselves.