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Yonge and Eglinton pedestrians return to normal crosswalks

Today, Metrolinx News shows how workers are kept at a safe distance when cranes pull heavy loads.

Oct 21, 2019

Sometimes, you need a little distance.

That’s the case with crane operators working at Crosstown sites, who use remote controlled overhead cranes to help lower and raise heavy equipment for the light rail transit (LRT) project.

As part of our continuing Crosstown Progress series, which includes these frequent updates of the most recent pictures taken around the sites, we wanted to show one of these mighty lifters in action.

Images also captured other important work and developments, including the fact that all crosswalks are now open at Yonge and Eglinton, and back to their original positions.

And then there’s continued work down deep in Laird Station, one of the most popular locations for Metrolinx News readers. The most recent picture shows the view toward the end of the cavern at Laird, where rebar is going in around the mouths of the twin bored tunnels.

And did we mention at Science Centre station, waterproofing is being put down as the team prepares to backfill over the completed section of roof slab?

All in all, a lot of heavy work being done, remotely and hand over fist by dedicated crews.